Adventure through Norse woods of myth to save the son of gods
Guide Mistletoe through ancient trees, and shield Baldaur from Loki’s mischief
Take a sneak peek at the work in our current development
The final game sees you battle mythic beings and fight the foes of gnarly legend. You will uncover new weapons to slay foul creatures, and find gifts of mystery to aid your quest.
Run and Fun
Currently a work in progress, we are nevertheless pleased with the early look and feel. The ‘looks-like-2D’ game features multiple custom animations to give our characters a cute, paper-toon feel in the smooth and fully realised 3D world.
The woods blend seamlessly in and out, maintaining sight of our hero as she travels to her next objective, the way being handily pointed out by a convenient direction finder…
Stay Tooned
We’ve lots left to do, but we’re having a great time building Mistletoe. The animations require careful work: each one is custom designed for its item, its weapon, or character.
Thankfully, the folks at Unity gave us powerful tools within the engine to swap out sprites and reuse animations that match to common behaviours and visual designs.
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